Steve Vanlanduit
Field Of Expertise: Laser and camera-based optical measurement techniques

Steve Vanlanduit obtained his PhD entitled “High spatial resolution modal analysis” at the Department of Electrical Engineering of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) in 2001. In 2003 he was appointed as a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of VUB, and in 2014 he became head of the Department of Electromechanical Engineering of the University of Antwerp.

Currently, he is vice-dean of the Faculty of Applied Engineering of UAntwerp. The research of prof. Vanlanduit is focused on laser and camera-based optical measurement techniques. He has authored over 200 journal publications on the use of optical measurement techniques in different domains (flow measurement, vibration engineering, robotics, quality control, materials inspection, etc.). He is editor of the scientific journals Measurement (Elsevier), Measurement: Sensors (Elsevier), Sensors (MDPI), and Metrology (MDPI). Steve is actively involved in the organization of several international conferences on optical measurement techniques (including the Measurement by Light and OPTIMESS conference series).

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