Measuring by light
First held in 2013, Measuring By Light is a multidisciplinary conference where both industry and academics come together to discuss the application of (optical) measurement techniques as well as solutions.

The concept
We always aim to provide a highly technical and academic programme on state-of-the-art optical measuring techniques from a wide variety of fields. Additionally, we believe it is important to offer a formal atmosphere and the right networking tools, enabling our participants to actively expand their network.
Why you should attend?
- MBL offers a very balanced participation from academics and industry (about 50%-50% share). Most other conferences focus either on academics or industry with limited interaction between both communities.
Expect outstanding networking activities. Our networking approach resulted in numerous collaborations and projects over the past years.
- Workshop on 3th of April, presenting the latest State-of-the-art and future measurement systems. Application training and sample measurements.
- Covering various essential topics, focussing on application areas (vibrometry, MEMS, civil engineering, automotive, transformers, micro-structures, and many more).
- A limited number of participants in order to create an informal atmosphere and stimulate interaction between participants.
- A limited number of parallel sessions.
the conference for Academics Industry Vibrometry White Light Interferometry Geometry MEMS Microsystems Topography Automotive Biomedics
Measuring by timeline
2013: First edition: 134 attendees
Shell + Polytec + VUB @ Shell Rijswijk
2014: Second edition: 20 years LDV
Shell + Polytec + VUB @ VUB Brussels
2015: MBL at Shell rijswijck
Shell + Polytec + TNO + VUB @ Rijswijck
2016: First MBL in South Africa
Polytec + University Pretoria @ CSIR
2019: MBL Meets Optimess
Polytec + Optimess @ Uantwerp
2023: MBL @ TU Delft
Our succesful edition at the Aula Conference Centre in Delft with the support of Konnexxions Polytec, TU Delft and Mikrocentrum!
2025: MBL @ TU Delft II
After the previous success and the enthusiasm of the photonics community, we are proud to reorganize Measuring By Light from April 1-3 at the Aula Conference centre in Delft with the support of Polytec, TU Delft and Ommatidia!
directions to the venue
Delft University of Technology Auditorium Conference Center
Mekelweg 5, 2628 CC Delft, Netherlands
reception info
- Booking: +31 15 278 8022
- Email : info@tudelft.com
ticket info
- Booking: +32 3 226 42 40
- Email : info@measuringbylight.com