Peter Steeneken
Field Of Expertise: Precision and Microsystems Engineering
Peter Steeneken Measuring By Light

Peter Steeneken received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree in experimental solid state physics from the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. In 2002, he joined Philips Research and NXP Research in Eindhoven, as an industrial scientist focusing on the modeling, characterization and reliability of CMOS  MEMS devices for sensors, actuators and RF applications. Since 2013, he is professor of Applied Nanophysics at the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience in Delft and since 2017 he is full professor at TU Delft’s Precision and Microsystems Engineering Department, chairing the section Dynamics of Micro and Nanosystems. Prof. Steeneken currently leads the sensors workpackage of the Graphene Flagship and the large national project Plantenna on plant-based sensor technology. He has authored more than 100 journal and conference publications and holds 44 granted US patents. His research focuses on bridging the gap between fundamental physics and applications, with an emphasis on high frequency nanomechanical sensor devices and optical techniques to precisely measure their motion.

"Using light to measure nanoscale motion fast and precise for deeper physical understanding and new applications."

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